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Unique Value: Create Differentiators in a Crowded B2B Market

Differentiating your product among thousands is becoming more and more challenging. Let's build a repeatable process for discovering valuable features.

There are at least 1,000 AI-powered SaaS productivity tools on the market today. At least 250 automation tools. At least 800 text generators. All crabs in a massive bucket vying for spend, and we’re not even at the point where multimodal + code generation can run off a full enterprise-quality platform in the span of a single work day. It’s about to be insane out here. 

That in mind, founders face an increasingly serious challenge: distinguishing their products in a market filled with similar offerings, similar voices, and similar promises.

Crafting a unique value proposition (UVP) is crucial for capturing attention and driving growth. Let’s try some actionable methods for identifying differentiators specific to any B2B niche.

The Differentiation Blueprint: A Step-by-Step UVP System

Run Hyper-Personalized Customer Deep Dives

Goal: Uncover deep, nuanced insights about your customers to inform your unique value proposition. You probably already have a customer journey mapping process in place, especially if you’re using Praction. Make sure it’s aimed at finding true need – that’s where the demand and differentiation are hiding. 

  • Customer Diaries: Ask a select group of customers to keep detailed video diaries of their daily work routines, challenges, and how they interact with your product. Analyze these diaries for hidden pain points and opportunities.
  • Immersive Workshops: Conduct immersive, interactive workshops with your customers. Use techniques like role-playing and journey mapping to dig deeper into their needs and desires.
  • Emotional Mapping: Identify the emotional triggers associated with your customers’ pain points and aspirations. Create an emotional map to visualize these insights.

🧪 Experiment: Use tools like Miro for journey mapping and collaborative workshops, and tools like Morphcast to analyze emotional responses in the customer video diaries.

Build an Innovation Lab

Goal: Establish a structured innovation lab inside your company to drive continuous differentiation. Make sense of your customer research to identify the key features you should be building. 

  • Cross-Functional Teams: Create small, agile teams that bring together diverse skill sets from across your organization – product, engineering, customer success, sales, and marketing can all be represented. Ensure these teams have the autonomy to experiment and innovate.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Use rapid prototyping methods to quickly test and iterate on new features. Fail fast and learn faster. Ship prototypes both internally and to friendly customers who've provided relevant feedback.
  • Customer Co-Creation: Involve your customers directly in the innovation process. In addition to async prototype reviews, use co-creation sessions to develop and refine new features that directly address their needs.

🧪 Experiment: Run design sprints  and hackathons within your innovation lab. Tools like Figma and Replit can be used to rapidly prototype both UI and code.

Develop Hyper-Specific Features

Goal: Create an engineering swimlane to develop features that are hyper-specific to your target audience's needs and differentiate your product on a granular level. Don’t get trapped building too many “table stakes” features your users may not even need. 

  • Feature Clustering: Group features into clusters based on customer needs and pain points. Prioritize clusters that offer the most significant differentiation potential and the best ratio of development effort to revenue potential. Make sure to incorporate product analytics data to boost your hypothesis. 
  • Unique Combinations: Identify unique combinations of features that are not offered by any competitors. Focus on creating synergistic effects where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We apologize for using the word “synergy,” it really does make us feel like the business card guy
  • Ecosystem Integration: Ensure your product seamlessly integrates with the tools and platforms your customers already use, meeting them where they work. 

Double Down on Partnerships

Goal: Form strategic partnerships with complementary businesses to enhance your product offering and reach new audiences.

  • Identify Partners: Look for businesses that offer complementary products or services. For example, Clay built an incredible differentiator by partnering with data providers to create their unique “waterfall” enrichment workflow. The Clay brand has now coalesced around their ability to combine other tools in new ways, and they’re huge. 
  • Co-Develop Solutions: Work together to develop integrated solutions that provide additional value to your customers.
  • Cross-Promote: Leverage each other’s customer bases through cross-promotional activities.

🧪 Experiment: Use PartnerStack to find new strategic partnerships.

Craft the Differentiation Story

Goal: Develop a compelling narrative that ties your unique features to the emotional needs and desires of your customers.

  • Hero’s Journey Framework: Position your customer as the hero and your product as the guide. Craft a narrative that illustrates how your product helps the hero overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.
  • Visionary Storytelling: Tell a story that goes beyond product features. Paint a vivid picture of the future your product enables, inspiring customers to join you on that journey.

🧪 Experiment: Create a narrative using Joseph Campbell’s  Hero’s Journey framework and integrate it into all your marketing materials and customer communications.

Add Predictive Personalization

Goal: Use machine learning to offer predictive personalization that anticipates and meets customer needs before they even express them. Differentiate via automated empathy.  

  • Behavioral Analytics: Identify patterns in product analytics data  that indicate emerging needs. Are users  constantly exporting data from a particular view? Are they using a specific integration much more frequently than others? Are there data points outside the product that can be incorporated? Find these indicia. 
  • Adaptive UI: Develop an adaptive user interface that changes in real-time based on user behavior and preferences. 
  • Proactive Support: Implement AI-driven support systems that proactively address potential issues and offer solutions before customers encounter them.

🧪 Experiment: For instant analysis, try one of the new data assistants like, which allows you to converse with your spreadsheets to ask questions about possible user patterns. If you want to get deep, use machine learning platforms like TensorFlow to develop predictive models. ChatGPT and Claude can generate the code you need.

Deploying the UVP

Once you’ve crafted a compelling UVP, it’s crucial to communicate it effectively across all channels:

  • Website: Feature your UVP prominently on your homepage, landing pages, and product pages.
  • Marketing Materials: Ensure your UVP is consistent across all marketing materials, including outbound, content, and onesheets. 
  • Sales Pitches: Train your Sales team to articulate your UVP clearly and confidently during pitches and customer interactions.
  • Customer Onboarding: Reinforce your UVP during the onboarding process to ensure new customers understand the unique value you offer.


Unique value discovery is an ongoing commitment to focus on customer empathy and leave space for innovation. This won’t be a one-time effort. 

This blueprint shows you how to identify deep demand, organize the people who need to understand it, identify the niche features that will drive 80/20 returns, expand partnership value, and merge your differentiation narrative with the user experience. 

At Praction, we specialize in helping B2B businesses implement these strategies through our automated Chief Revenue Officer platform and consulting services. Our tailored solutions are designed to increase revenue, refine GTM operations, and enhance customer value, accelerating your path to an exit, acquisition, or IPO.

Ready to scale? We’d love to meet you.